5th International Agroindustrial Exhibition AGROPORT WEST LVIV 2017

18 april 2017

During 27‒29 of April 2017 the 5th International Agro-Industrial Exhibition and Forum on Farm Development AGROPORT WEST LVIV 2017 will be held in Lviv International Airport. D. Galitsky (c. Lviv, Ukraine). This is one of the largest events of the agrarian sector in Eastern Europe. This year special attention will be paid to the problems of adapting agriculture to climate change conditions: increasing productivity in a changing environment and moving to safe and accurate technologies.

Within the AGROPORT WEST LVIV 2017 will be held:

  • Exhibition of equipment and technologies — within 3 days the exposition of the exhibition will be located on 2 floors of the airport terminal and on the station square. The total area of ​​the exhibition is more than 15 000 sq.m.;
  • Strategic Forum «Investment Climate of the Ukrainian Agribusiness» — with the participation of relevant ministries, national and international supervisory bodies, certifying institutions, relevant governmental organizations and committees, international profile associations and producers etc;
  • Climate Smart AgroForum — on discussion panels will be discussed the following topics: «Adaptation measures to climate change in Western Ukraine» and "Towards sustainable development. From organic production to biodiversity restoration ";
  • Agroport Awards — as part of the Gala-dinner on the first day of the forum the best companies (who are active in the Lviv region and cooperate with the region) will be awarded;
  • Seminars and master classes — thematic seminars, trainings and master classes for farmers will be held within 3 days in 3 halls (100/300 people).

The company VELES AGRO will present the following products on AGROPORT WEST LVIV 2017 (details under the link):

SEED DRILL SZM «NIKA-4»_________________________________DISK HARROW PD 2.2____________________________DISK HARROW PD 2.2


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