State compensation

Testing laboratory

Up to 40% of the cost of equipment is compensated for
Launching machinery in the farm
Warranty and service



Recently become more frequent cases of detection of low-quality products (seed drill, cultivator, disc harrow, plow), which unscrupulous manufacturers produce products under the name of LLC "Veles-Agro LTD. '. Externally distinguish fake from the original is almost impossible. However, such products serve many times less. Learn how to protect yourself from forgery.

For today under the brand name "Veles-Agro" commercially available mechanical grain drills, cultivators, including inter-row, a group of disc implements, wide complexes for continuous seedbed preparation and conventional plows. Range of produced spare parts for agricultural implements technology domestic and foreign production more than 150 types. Geographic map of export deliveries covers the vast area from Central Asian countries to the Baltic States and Eastern Europe.

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